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Dadswell Family History

Generation 5
Thomas Dadswell (1719-1769) and Mary Taylor

On this page:
Ancestors of Thomas Dadswell
Thomas Dadswell's story
Key family dates
Further information

Ancestors of Thomas Dadswell

Robert Doudeswell 1560 > Robert Doudeswell 1606 > Edward Dodswell 1659 > Edward Dodswell 1679 > Thomas Dadswell 1719

Thomas Dadswell's story

Thomas Dadswell, the sixth child and third son of Edward and Elizabeth Dodswell, was baptised on 30 March 1719. He was one of the clockmakers in the Dadswell family, being apprenticed to his uncle, Thomas Dadswell of Burwash, Sussex in 1735.

He became a clockmaker at Rotherfield from about 1742 and then worked at East Grinstead from about 1757. In between those times, he married Mary Taylor at Rotherfield on 11 April 1748 and the family, with seven children, lived at East Grinstead.

Thomas would have been passing on his clock making skills to his two eldest sons, Thomas and Edward, before his death in 1769. Mary lived until 1773.

Thomas and Mary are ancestors of Dadswells who migrated to Australia and established themselves in Melbourne.

Key family dates

Thomas Dadswell
baptised 30 Mar 1719 -
died 1769
11 Apr 1748
Mary Taylor
born ? -
buried 13 Sep 1773
Children -

1. Thomas Dadswell baptised 30 Mar 1749 - [married Sarah Holman] - died 1794

2. Elizabeth Dadswell, baptised 2 Aug 1752 - died 1760

3. Sarah baptised 2 Aug 1752 - died 1760

4. Edward Dadswell baptised 9 Jun 1754 - [married Ann Carter] - died 1802

[Edward and Ann are ancestors of Melbourne Dadswells including engineer/inventor Stephen Orrace Dadswell]

5. Mary Dadswell baptised 11 Jan 1756 - [married Stephen Harman] - died ?

6. Robert Dadswell baptised 4 Feb 1759 - [married Hannah _______] - died 1808

7. Ann Dadswell baptised 23 May 1762 - died 1763

Further information

Information on Edward and Elizabeth Dodswell (generation 4, parents of Thomas Dadswell)
The Clockmakers of Rotherfield

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